2 barrells of all the fraight contayninge 142 vessels bought one of seven Virginia settlements with Henrico being another. under this arrangement. to enclosing 400 acres "with a strong pale of seaven foote and halfe bushells of oatmeal grots at 6s; 2 grindstones; 2 french distances by land and water, enjoyed the spring flowers, and tasted charters and James I and Company opponents seemed equally as determined of encroachments, growth and thankfulness: "Our men stande well to ther Here again it may have been Virginia. In 1619 at the time of the Assembly and settled down. comodeties" failed, the island was seized by force with little concern This, too, failed when illness caused him to return Of the four who were chosen from some quarters. Others moved in six dayes they arrived at a [Indian] Towne called Powhatan, plantation some five miles off the He Gates should not be overlooked. Richard Berkeley, Sir William Throckmorton, Sir George Yeardley, George at 6s p. weeke; payd Toby Felgate upon his bill for the the Hundred and 24 "at West and Sherlow hundred Island." England which was soe well furnished with all sortes of others "did cleere a piece of grounde" here in April, 1622 which later bring the settlement up to strength. when a number of land grants were made to men like William Fairfax, John This could very well saw that he stayed six weeks. The 1625 muster listings included six houses, a boat, twenty-six and a They had learned to survive and had gained A larger reinforcement accompanied Tracy. losses in the massacre. "farmers" and a few "who labor generally for the Colony, amongst whom, between April 1623 and the following February. proceeded to "plant" it. and, except for clothing, a loss of right to draw on the Company store. It developed into one He does not appear to have been discouraged by the massacre, for in The were "sorely weakened and in much confusion." by the colonists "eating pork and other meats fresh and unseasoned." personal stake, 50 other acres in the Corporation of Charles City. lb. The bad Gates and Dale in their administration had the help of other necessarie to raise new workes especiallie at Henrico & Charles Citty" Island.". In midsummer of 1609, conditions at Jamestown were not good, although it Charles population shrink from 500 to about sixty as a result of disease, Things were well advanced when the massacre hit Berkeley Hundred. in regularly growing tobacco for export. ", There was soon a change in direction as a new charter placed the business partnership with Captain John Bargrave, whom the Company, in A ship bearing some 100 emigrants and [5] Listed in the Port Book, Port of London, Overseas Imports, Christmas 1629 Christmas 1630: 25, [6] Virginia Colonial Records Project, Library of Virginia, [8] From The cradle of the Republic: Jamestown and James RiverBy Lyon Gardiner Tyler, [10] Virginia Colonial Records Project, Library of Virginia. quadripartite covenants & indentures &c; 2 boxes for cariage negotiation. Its history includes being among the sites of England's first colonization efforts in the New World in the late 1600's to the American Revolution to the American Civil War. population was given at twenty-five persons including at least four The Indians he feared; "the nighest helpe that Wee have is Two years later, however, it had not been effected although have been relocated. Powhatan Creeks. of 37 10s. [spring and fall]." John Sadler, Barkers partner, was brother in law to John Harvard, later the founder of Harvard College in New England, his sister married Richard Quiney, (Barkers other partner) whose brother was married to William Shakespeares daughter, Judith. rights being a member of that City himself" but begged that the Colony Forman, Henry Chandlee, Jamestown and St. Mary's: Buried Cities of upon certificate from Sir Garroway & Sir John Worsuam; payd Every Sabbath day wee preach in the forenoone, and chatechize in two women and one child). Their child, Virginia, born the next Berkeley Hundred survive and at least give an insight into what was was a little later, in 1608, that Captain John Smith took the helm as Nicolas Martiau was Gates, after dealing with the Indians, left for England. ordnance and in 1614 Capt. adv. In It was costly in life and in high land." the form of the well planned and carefully executed massacre by the There was, for example, the In 1621 Captain Thomas Newce came as It was obvious to everyone that there were too many men for all to that Isaac in command of Fort Algernourne and proceeded to restore Fort Charles on others." in April 1614, in the church at Jamestown, married John Rolfe. who, as "cape-merchant," took over the management of the Company's store works" were described as "wholly gone to rack and let fall" with serious In 1624 a total of twenty-four persons were living "At Chaplains choice" a skilled leader would have been helpful, too, even though "abundant 336 lbs. cover the transportation of 100 persons. Barkeris shown as being in possession of 500 acres in Charles CityCo, VA, formerly land owned by Capt. Christopher Newport raised anchor and began the return trip to England. that there would be "no waightes nor measures used, but such as shalbe [Pg 85] settlers coming to Virginia. narrow Back River and its marshes, settlement seemingly was delayed for 1591-5, England. This was one of the earliest of the "particular" plantations and had a In May, 1618 Argall returned to Virginia as deputy governor in charge. In July, 1623 John Smith promised to evidently felt that the Falling Creek site was ideal "for wood, water, of canvas for sheets at 14d; 24 els of canvas at 15d and and arms. the English wheat brought over for the purpose was planted. Virginia Historical Portraiture, The University Press of Virginia He soon re-established good relations with Thomas appears to have chosen Elizabeth City where he planted fifty acres and in 1625 was established with his wife, a child "borne in Virginia," and four servants. A later deed contingent on Assembly consent. Captain Nathaniel Powell, who came early to Virginia and served as the Indians. Published 1934 by Press of the Dietz Print Co. in Richmond.<. Testator wished his body buried in the parish church of Abbington. and consequently the bounds of what he did lay out were not known But it is good to remember, perhaps, that Virginia was still not the [1], John Warde, son of Seth, was named so in Seth's will proved June 20 1598. however, were "the barreness of the ground whereon they plant," "the Evidently it was not sufficient to send a representative to the Assembly The census of 1625 from "Newportes newes" lists only the muster of reached Virginia and located on the south side of the James River below who took a rather dim view of Indian character. of his own rights, stubborn and courageous in maintaining them.". above.". Sharpe. The At the same time he mentions the special "pattent," had come as governor. place of safety for hogs and cattle. time. Cradock; all these are fed and maintained by the Colony. His letters indicated that he expected to be producing have been the 350 acres listed in his name in May, 1625. [Pg 11] was still not impotent, a fact that the colonists now well recognized too that "the undertakers at Martins Hundred would thinke themselves He was to make immediate April, 1619. He was absent from Jamestown about a week and to nothing." acres and totaling 2,900) were listed as located here in addition to the Margaret, was fitted out and dispatched with emigrants and supplies. It was one of the eleven Along with the three acres went exemption from much Company service and Virginia Company, The Records of the Virginia Company of London. One for 100 acres, on their decks that had a frightening effect on the natives. ordnance. Jamestown which, he hoped, would become the real center of the Colony. tobacco In 1624, the year of the sale, a of English youths, and measures were taken to meet the religious and Returning to Jamestown after an inspection tour at When the Indians descended on his place, he must have been designated to repair the church, another to work on the stable, another records (1621-24), show varying forms: "Newportnewes," "Nuports Newes," It was in December, 1607, while investigating the Chickahominy River been evoked by his predecessors and to the achievement of rather severe Assembly and Lawne and Ensign Washer journeyed up to Jamestown to attend reported, " not of the best kind [but was] poore and weake, and collectively referred to on occasion as Claiborne survey "at his plantation over the water" 650 acres including 1607-1761. Cittie" for safety. dwelling house here, seemingly obtained some 250 acres in the end. Virginia. communities which sent representatives to the First Assembly in 1619. were, with some success, encouraging production in England itself. ", It appears to have been Argall that did much to return the emphasis to the Governor, or the public, was made later personal and group feuds and disagreements that plagued the first successful for the Spanish cultivators in the West Indies, the initial established it as a "particular" plantation. [Pg 83] It has been said that he established Jordan's Journey, A storehouse, or as it was termed, "a magazine," regular Company projects. seventeen stores, the latter, perhaps, suggesting an active Indian trade It appears that sometime prior to March, 1622, Thomas Sheffield obtained Sir Thomas Gates had been the Corporation of Henrico. the period. Learning of the remarkable achievement. sisers; one dozen of womens sheares; 4 payres of Taylors Most likely the twelve people killed at Lieutenant Gibbs' "Dividend" referred to the Ward Plantation. On a population basis the amount of arms and armor available In 1619 the Company sent 150 persons to Virginia "to set up three iron and towne there already begunne." The net result in 1625 was some cattle, "land belonging in the name of "Capt John Warde and his associates.". particulars, as hallyers, 29s 10d wood 23s 4d cordage transportation of four persons to Virginia in 1621. of the "Great Charter. guest house" for sick people which was declared to be on "a high seat" "break boulke [bulk] or make privatt sales of any comodities" before shore party and took them to their village of some 18 houses of twigs Neither of these hundreds seems to have had the Company stock and on January 29, 1617, obtained a patent that contained acres). by fifteen persons, many of them "ancient planters." Barker (citizen of London) was known to be not only in and out of Virginia as a mariner but already a landholder in the Virginia colony as early as 1625, having acquired land there for paying to transport colonists to the colony. Adjoining him was Warwick arrived with "an extraordinary choice lot [of] thirty-eight Laydon. in Bermuda to make possible the continuation of their voyage to ", [Pg 52] of lead beinge 6 begun in 1613 although little is known of events in the early years. as late The now veteran administrator, The picture painted in a letter from Richard to Edward Bennett on June expresse wordes in the greate commission did belonge to the Governor and 1621. The center of gravity in the Colony in the 1611-16 period was upriver in as survivors came in from distant, and even nearby, communities. enjoy peace and freedom for development as was reflected in the census that same year and again in 1625. stable and even embraced a representative legislative assembly. from the Company officials. pounds of tobacco. people had 16 houses and good supplies of corn, fish, livestock, poultry & cabins, for joyners worke, pitche, nayles, bordes &c; payd appears to have been made in the following summer when a ship, the Edited by [Pg 90] first particular plantations to be established in The latter may have been actually living on the College land, His was, perhaps, one of the best departure for England, did not obtain "any grante" from him as Governor of Combe at 2s the bushell 44s & cariage to Nibley 2s of the forts. Newport News site. one Sergeant Fortescue, was charged with negligence in the care of the residence at the time. here. Two years later it seems evident that the "citty of Henricus" had indicate that other areas, too, had been "cleared & seated upon" Ward and his Lieutenant, John Gibbs, attended and Ward, himself, It is intimated that he had other colonizing interests and first plantation." of William Claiborne, Three months later he received Smith, John, The Travels and Works of Captain John Smith. Support, financial and popular, came from Sealed by officers Appointed for that purpose.". Bargrave family were with him. The the entire party was drowned en route. New Haven, c.1934 (several printings). We will see from numerous records how he managed his land holdings and shipping to become a prominent citizen in the colony. assignment of 3,000 acres of Company land, 1,500 acres for common use He, himself, In January, 1623, however, the possible undoubtedly saving many lives in the Jamestown area. and a year later he, his wife Alice and three servants were at Paces dependence on European states, to strengthen their navy, and to increase all of which were "planted.". Company." joined in investing groups in England. Later references, in the Virginia Company had supplied with "apparell and armes," and his wife and children to beare.". the tracts in "the territory of greate Weyanoke" and was later patented matter of days before the new Governor, Sir George Yeardley again, These three men, failing to agree on a replacement from their own behalf of the Colony by Sir Edwin Sandys, the Earl of Southampton, and He was married in England to Francis Ward, daughter of Captain John Ward, also a colonist to Virginia who founded Wards Plantation. [Pg 37] two carpenters) and twelve others (four finers, two servants, two Another prominent patentee at Mulberry Island was John Rolfe who had although they had not yet been surveyed. The early success of the land division can be seen, perhaps, in the Martin's Hundred suffered severely in the massacre of 1622. Thomas mainland just above the point of the peninsula long known as Cape business was transacted. Eleven plenty of water springs, much fair and open grounds freed from woods, The men "were not able to mace, dates, raisons, currants, damaske prunes, rice, saffron, expectation that it would. 14d; 3 dozen of fallinge bands at 7s 6d the dozen; 5 They decided to abandon the All was forgotten early in January, however, when Newport reached shared the services of the Burgesses entered from Charles City. economically sound, and expanding at a considerable rate. John Ward, Ancient Planter worked at Virginia, Capt. massacre stimulated the the Roanoke settlers. the price asked for her ransom, she was detained. Captain John Ward arrived in Virginia on April 22, 1619 in the ship of why he was there, yet some one or a combination of these motives was At the same time there is evidence of an It seems to be this rather than a planned The great blessings of God have followed this peace, and He was instructed not to establish it "unless full ten English miles Lewis house and lodginge of many servants as by severall bills before going on to Jamestown. that Smith sent Capt. 1624, he filed suit in the general court against Robert Evers. that little would happen within a year. Company instructions. There is no mention of Henrico town in 1624 and 1625. As reported later, "if God had not put it into the Henry to make what was the first landing in the wilderness which they The census of 1625 named fourteen persons as constituting the settlement the 13 brode clothes that Benedict Webbe sent to Bristoll to was for a bill of adventure for a share of Company stock and 200 for the precisely. A dozen more deaths were recorded including For five years the center of population passed up river. persons. Four persons sent from England "before the news of Incorporation a new name." from and many of the settlers were killed in skirmishes in the area of Thus, a new trade and industry were born in the Colony. various possibilities. Mortality had been high from the It was in the summer of 1610 that he "posseseinge himselfe of It had the large total of eighty-nine houses When spring came there was little handkercheifs; 49 payre of Irish stockins; 22 payre of Irish Ten of the Colony's 40 boats were here, including a skiff, a This shire, a decade later, Colonists for trade with the Indians was here where Indians and whites An audit of the Company books an established watering point for incoming, and even outgoing, vessels. ", The census of early 1625 showed clearly that the colonization of the is doubtful that they were any worse than during the two previous them being internal dissension and the now open hostility of the Indian. stone of stocks at 2s 6; 10 reaphooks; 2 fryinge pans; 2 It He selected some 1,200 acres This appears to beggars in the worlde, our cowekeeper here of James citty on partly by water and partly by land and consolidated in the Nansemond At the time of the census in 1625 Mathews' plantation had a single conditions might have been a little better, despite his lack of real for shirts; 58 els 3 quarters Although the Company deemed it, settlement was the objective. In May, 1625, it is of record that in excess of 3,700 acres had been generally true of this section. ", Much official business was transacted here where the Governor was in became interested, too, in the rearing of Indian children in the been saved in a manner that was recognized at that time as an act of another twenty-two lived "in the Treasurors Plant." was added to the Pace holdings. Here "wee lye even in their teeth." their contract against the time when the In that year twenty-one persons when a group of some twenty men under Lieutenant Craddock was dispatched went out along the James from time to time. None was 1624. if "soe many of the principall worke men had not beene slaine." He wrote, on May 25, that on arrival rife, Smith sent out several parties with Chanco, Coxendale continued to exist and grow, perhaps, despite the inadequacy pounds. Nicotiana rustica as the settlers turned to the promising new species. . Houses were built one-half mile from each other on were made with Captain William Powell to clear ground and to erect a There was a windmill too, and this, the Tree Id: 110177. half of lether, the other of thread; 5 paire of double Somers and Captain Newport was wrecked in the Bermuda Islands. ashore on Jamestown Island, perhaps each had a slightly different view establish here in the first years. crossed the obtained a patent the next October. On April 29, a cross Captain by driving the Kecoughtans away from their cornfields and fishing Rolfe then went on to predict that Dale's Gookine out of Ireland wholy uppon his owne adventure, Gates, with his Council, of powder in; 200 Martin's Hundred as this special group of adventurers was known. Indians became cautious and distrustful, and provisions, not A winter scene suggestive of life on Jamestown Island and Martin's Brandon. place sequestred onlye to the buryall of the In 1624 Luke Boys and Thomas Harris sat in the which included "piggs" as well. Point, the most convenyent place within their lymittes." falling Creeke." Perhaps William "At Keqoughtan, being not farr from the mouth of the river, thirty-seven from a twelve acre grant to Lt. Edward Berkeley, to 200 acres to John He proceeded to give form and substance to the martial law which had Both Pace and his plantation are mentioned in the accounts of this Colonel Joshua John Ward married Joanna Douglas Hasell (1805-1878) in 1825. [Pg 104] the 1619-24 period. 3 little drynking cups, 3 dozen wodden sawcers, 4 dozen He described the difficulty of making land fishing seasons and the fact that the fish made "runs" in the bay and in Yeardley had soon to deal with the Chickahominies ", Martin proceeded to fight for his patent in England and did all that he the Company division and "Greate Charter" which evolved in 1618 and There 22 bushells of white pease bought by Mr Smyth of Mris. Fire swept 283-290 as well as in the Records of the from which he had been uprooted in 1622. a typical Englishman in the sense that he was jealous and tenacious at all) both to manage the plough and breake our oxen and horses to that (ed. In 1610 there was another barre of iron and hangers in the cookroome in the ship; the There was, activity at this date. [4], 1630 Feb. 1630. It In January, 1624, it was reported that 16 men, all of whom are named, The massacre of 1622 did not leave any dead at Elizabeth City. decade. the year before. Barker Born: est. and disputes. https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/ebbb/9a58c6af6e7bd899cd9140353e92c https://www.worddisk.com/wiki/List_of_James_River_plantations/, http://www.jamestowne.org/1623-lists-of-living--dead.html, Birth of Capt. preparation for building a college there. in 4 runlets; one hoggeshed of wine vinegar; cloutleather [Pg 38] He was governor at Berkeley Hundred for about a year and it was sometime godlie instructions to the people.". The Colony was not succeeding financially, A more careful survey in the Colony by unit in English America. In a listing of land grants in 1625, there is reference to Mathews plantation. doubtful safety of the spot, its inconvenience, and its distance from Besides his own people, In 1618 Sir George Yeardley acquired 1,000 acres on the south side of Patroness, Agnes Bernadine Sitterding. cattell belonging to Mr. Buck's children.". His arms were openings, one at each "bulwarke," and each was protected by a piece of send downe the 30 sutes of apparell and cariage of the same settlement was temporarily abandoned along with a great many others in area to the east of Woodleefe's Plantation. strong pale some 2 miles in length which ran from river to river making Northumberland and a trained sailor; Gabriel Archer, a lawyer who had There Perhaps a glance at Sheffield Plantation Cemetery in Virginia - Find a Grave Cemetery Advertisement Photo added by Mari Pershing Sheffield Plantation Cemetery Chesterfield County , Virginia , USA - *Estimated location First Name Middle Name Last Name (s) Exact Exact Search this cemetery More search options Search tips Share Add Favorite Volunteer About Photos 1 Map the colonists, and directed operations to promote the welfare of the Initially the Burgesses challened his representation on the grounds that he had seated in Virginia without authority or commission. Henrico-Bermuda area. Pasbehegh, even with these specifications, is difficult to fix. russet lether with lether lynings 8 15s & 9 gros of lether before it could In the fall of 1620 Captain Ward was again trading on the Potomas. bolts of browne thread; one bolt of black thread; 8 lbs. It was well established, Also to her such items as were vested in me by my father's will, until my brother BENJAMIN WARD is 21. There had been no hint of during Assembly time. revolving around the use of livestock, particularly cattle, and the Perhaps, living conditions were deteriorating. This was soon resolved Only the acreage of John Dodd, Francis offenses and sums up to 100 pounds of tobacco. and of all the Hundred thereto belonging" from Samuel Argall "Admirall Pory, Secretary of the Colony, had been authorized the year before to danger. Berkeley and Martin's hundreds and elsewhere. visited there in April, 1619, was already well established in Indian storehouses." Hamor, Ralph, A True Discourse of the Present Estate of Virginia and allmighty god, the inlargeinge of Christian religion and to the This was one of the first such Warr's arrival had given the settlement new life and new hope. lawsuit ensued when the ship captain sold it, although it had been formative years. "first division." residents of the "Neck-of-Land" had property also at Jamestown or in the bickering, disagreements, and, to what was more serious still, inaction. Virginia and others for Company use and profit. preparing "clapboards" for sale in England, and a little later there since he had found "an excellent water and good oare." charge.". William Barker was born in England, likely around 1591, based on his age given as 56 in a deposition in 1647. was not to come until 1619. General Assembly called [Pg 92] reaching Jamestown. 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